воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

dr plan seuss unit

When I got a new phone, I had to change telecommunications carriers because my old carrier wasnapos;t selling the handset I wanted.

Iapos;d been paying my bills at $CARRIER[-1] via direct debit (because they charge you extra if you donapos;t).��� My last bill was for only $4.35, because I terminated not far into the start of the billing cycle.

This month I received a new bill for $2.04.�� "WTF?", I think, "that account is done and dusted..."

Charges on this bill:

��� Credit card surcharge for last payment��� ��� $0.04
��� Paper invoice fee��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� $2.00

The fuckers charged me a 4 cent fee, and then 2 bucks to bill me for it.

Burn apos;em all.

coronet download film free instructional, dr plan seuss unit.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

allowance daily sugar

So the anberlin concert wasnt so great, but amazing at the same time.
i liked the first band, there for tomorrow.
straylight run is not so great live. The singer spreads himself too thin on stage...singing, piano and guitar at the same time doesnt work too well.
scary kids scaring kids was good, but its much more enjoyable when i know the songs and can sing along.
anberlin = AMAZING. Every time i see them i am like in a different world.
i was the happiest i have been in a long time.

things caught back up with me and im not doing so great anymore.
i need a vacation for a couple of days to get myself back together.

i need to finish my pictures and get into the lab.
i went to my temple to take pics of the stain glass.
a. The it wasnt the right time of day for the stain glass to work the way i imagined it.
b. I took my camera out and my lense had broken.

i have had a lot on my mind the last few days.
trying to hold it together.

i got a lot of hw done today which is good.

i went to coffee with aimee.
it was really nice, i always like catching up with her.

now we have people over for sukkot.
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Sat October 18th 9:32 pm

... Is not to blink twice and say hello.
We (being everyone in the family bar James) went to a local haunted forest tonight, it was actually rather fun, all the profits go to the local volunteer EMS and fire department, Nan tried to cut off the circulation to my hands and Jess refused to walk half-way through and clung to Mumapos;s legs so Mum couldnapos;t walk.
I was chosen to go first, Nan was second then Grandad and Mum/Ronnie/Jess, it lasted about 20 mins and was longer than I was expecting considering Iapos;ve never been on one before, Grandad managed to get it into his head that we were being driven around for some reason though, and was rather surprised when he realised we had to walk round.
It was set up really well, you had random people jumping out on you from all places, even from holes dug in the ground, and it was lit with flickering lights and had dry ice fog going through all of the rooms, the lighting was really disorientating though, at one point the guy whoapos;d just jumped out on us had to show me the exit.
I found the last vampire to be really amusing, I could tell something was about to jump out on us as there had been a knocking sound following us, went to go through the door when this guy loomed out of the doorway, standard reaction is to scream, my reaction? blink twice smile and say hi.
Mum was funny though, there was this one person in costume who shouted something, Mum thought he sounded like Simon so said "step back from the Queenapos;s guard, ack thereapos;s a step there" as she proceded to fall over the floor, next person to jump out on us? Grandad asks me what Iapos;m supposed to say, so we end up shouting at this poor guy "dress back from the Queenapos;s guard" he probably thought we were insane.
I imagine though itapos;d have been more fun to go in a group of friends and scare each other going around.
Also as a random side note apparently the cashier at the dollar store wants to meet me, Mum and the grandparentals went there today as she wanted to hear a more cockney accent (grandparents are londoners in origin) Nan and Grandad decided to tell her that she needs to hear me speak as I speak the Queenapos;s english, I personally hadnapos;t noticed a difference between the way I speak and the way Mum/Nan/Grandad do, but apparently there is.

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buddy icons for aol and aim

Act 1

I could have sworn
that the witnesses would have stayed
just long enough to pray on the stars.
Could the inevitable
ever have fallen
at the worst possible moment?

The perfectionist wants answers,
as to the drug infused verses
of our deceased memories.
The perfectionist wants a resolution
but with each passing decade
the verses become our fallible excuses.

Je tapos;aime.

I looked through the jungle
in the coldest darkest air
to find that two eyes
were looking back at me.
There will be many mad men
so torn by a grimly beast
that he will eventually believe
it to be real.

I looked again into the jungle
to have a sudden revelation
that I had been looking within myself.
If an ideal place of comfort
is holding a tempermental weeper,
then let me behold your spoiled puzzles.

Je tapos;aime.
Act 2

Hither to an echo.
I can feel the march
rising me away from the poor men
and into the drifting winds of Autumn.
This tiny mutiny
has formed the kindest hatred,
although there is no place
that I would rather sleep tonight.
I hear your hunger from ten stories above,
goodbye my precious concerns.
Hear your hunger screaming for money,
good riddance my needy child
Hither to my empty arms.
My secret is so much contained
that I feel holy
just knowing that youapos;ve evolved from laughter.

If we are lost in our place,
whatever city,
what ever institute,
may be laugh
at the horrific tragedies.
No one seems to realize
the human emotions
swept under the rugs.
The horror is,
the honor is,
what does it matter
when epiphanies
cannot have themselves?
One man saw a skeleton key.
One man knew about the pool of red.
One man said too much about the latter.

Je tapos;aime.

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cork tiles

When i went for supper yesterday night with my colleagues after my parade, i accidentally dropped a Milo-coated ice cube onto my DKNY messenger bag. I freaked but�a colleague, Ryan asked me to chill and said it wonapos;t stain since the bag was almost the colour of Milo. Another colleague, Melvin said that if Milo was the colour of my DKNY bag, he certainly wonapos;t drink it.

So i felt quite disgusted with my own bag and thought that i should get a new one since it been almost a year that i got this DKNY and some of the fonts are peeling off the bag too.

So i went to bed and a dream...

I dreamt that i was shopping at Kate Spade at Raffles City and theyapos;ve decided to expand the Jack Spade corner. In celebration of that, they were having a sales And i was there on the third day which was the last day sales in which they added another 30 on top of the original 30


And so i woke up, i told myself it was high time i got myself a new messenger bag.

I want this in Navy. Mich, you know what to do =X

bas relief definition, cork tiles.

четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

education kidney packet patient resource

Iapos;m so glad today is almost over...

Today as I was driving to Temple my car started hydro-planing on the highway.� My car actually swerved into another lane and thank GOD no one was there� So my nerves were shot at this point so I took the first exit and calmed down at a gas station.� It was just freaky to me.

Then I get into to Temple and exiting when traffic starts slowing down and the car behind me doesnapos;t slow down - yep rammed right into my bumper. �Some of you may remember that May last year I�had my bumper replaced over a similar situation. �Looks like we are doing it again

One of my kids I was working with was readmitted into the hospital.

Apparently Caed had a HORRIBLE drop off for Andy.

I was almost denied lunch by some fuddy duddy but one of my class mates split her meal so I wouldnapos;t starve...

But thankfully I am fine.� The other person has insurance and they have already accepted fault - taking the car in TOMORROW� God is in control and I�just have to let go of everything else....

So glad Iapos;m going to San Antonio this weekend to see NKOTB

definition martyr complex, education kidney packet patient resource.

среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

asbergers naturism

Holy Crap, Batman
Bloofeast is NEXT weekend????
Howapos;d that happen?
Costume X is nowhere near ready.� Nowhere...near...ready.� Srsly.�

Thankfully itapos;s Dinner and Sewing night: garbanzo soooooup with ham and greeeeen beans some cheddar biscuits.� �

Iapos;ve been working harder than usual the past two weeks.� Iapos;ve seen the sun rise from I95 every weekday morning since last Friday.� When work has to get done, it has to get done.� Simple as that.

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